Chatting with Grace one of our Young Adult Peer Researchers.

Grace is one of our new peer research consultants and will be working on our new Mental Health Transformation project looking at how to improve services for young adults across Greater Manchester.
Read about the project, a bit about Grace and why she got involved.
A bit about Grace?
My name is Grace I’m one of the Peer Consultants working on this research task. I'm a
young adult with my own share of experiences dealing with mental health which has
definitely had challenging moments as I’m a Care Leaver and a Trans Woman. When I'm not
working I also study music management and creative enterprise at uni. But that's not all! I
also love Raccoons, Iced Coffee, the colour orange and gaming.
What motivated you to get involved in this project?
This role to me means a lot. It’s finally a chance to both payback services like 42nd Street
who helped me through a lot of darker times in my life and it’s a chance for me to make a
change and difference to the parts that weren’t as helpful to me or others.
I believe we should all have a say in our lives and often the needs of young adults are
missed or are seen the same as adults. It's important that everyone has a voice.
Why do you think peer research is important and what are the benefits?
Peer research offers a share in power between the researchers. It's research conducted by
the very people it's about. This allows for a greater understanding and fairness between the
researcher and the people it's for.
Is there anything in particular that you have enjoyed or learnt so far?
I've learned a lot over my time here in this role. I've gone from learning the fundamentals of
peer research all the way to designing and actually knowing how to interview people.
What stage are you at? Recruiting YP to get involved?
Right now we've just got onto starting some interviews and started the process of gathering
young people to get involved. The interviews will take place throughout the upcoming
summer and we'll soon also be starting focus groups, creative sessions and a survey.
What stage are you at with the project?
Right now we've just got onto starting some interviews and started the process of gathering young people to get involved. The interviews will take place throughout the upcoming summer and we'll soon also be starting focus groups, creative sessions and a survey.
What would you share or say to young people about getting involved in the project?
Simply put. If you're interested in taking part or want to make a change why not.
You can visit our Web page to learn more :)