National Film Call Out!

We are celebrating the creative work we do with young people at our National Symposium in Manchester May 16/17th 2024 and it will focus on the uses and benefits of creative opportunities and spaces for young people and their mental health.  


Part of the symposium is a film screening (16th May evening time tbc) where we will show a selection of films exploring and showcasing work from organisations undertaking work directly with young people and from young people themselves.


This could be films that explore young people’s experiences  voice / creativity or films about creative projects young people have worked on.


We are particularly keen to receive films from organisations that work directly in Mental Health (CAMHS, in patients settings etc.), Social Care (care experienced young people), Education (secondary school, college) and VCSE’s, but all organisations are welcome.



Please answer the questions below and email your responses to


We cannot guarantee to show all the work submitted – our young person’s creative collective will choose the final selection who we will contact with an invitation to the event. We also have a small budget to support transport costs.




Geographical area covered

Age group

What area are you working in (tick applicable)

  • Mental health (camhs, in patients)
  • Social Care  (care experienced young people)
  • Education
  • VCSE’s

If none of the above – what area do you focus on?


Film name

Length - to ensure we can show as many films as possible we would ask that films are no longer than 5 minutes (or be edited down to under 5 minutes)


Link to film


A few lines on what the film is about and who made it


Do you have consent form those featured to show the work?  


Describe your organisation in one line


Does your organisation have a mission statement?


Please provide an image from the work created (could be a still from the film or a behind the scenes image) and contact details


What are your social media handles and how would you like us to credit your work?


Would you like to be kept up to date with Horsfall symposium news tick


For further details please contact