Training Opportunities - various
42nd Street offers a range of practice based, high quality and affordable training workshops for professionals working across the youth, education, health and social care sectors. Students and volunteers are welcome to attend our training events.
An environment for participants to feel free to share their thoughts and experiences with others who may relate to them.
Spend time in nature, meet others and have space away from the day to day stresses.
The Music group is a chance to benefit from the therapeutic qualities of music
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? Are you questioning or exploring your sexuality or gender identity?
Do you want to join in with groups, opportunities and get information on all things LGBTQ+ in and around 42nd Street and Greater Manchester?
A peer support group accessible whilst waiting for support
A peer support group with social, therapeutic and creative elements for young women aged 18-25.
A space for LGBTQ+ young people to connect, share, have fun whilst improving mood and wellbeing
A peer support group for Care Leavers aged 16-25 with a focus on completing research into how mental health services could be improved.