Horsfall Creative Program
We offer support to ensure you feel safe and welcome to take up our opportunities. If you let us know which project you are interested in we will contact you to introduce ourselves and what will be involved – this can be meeting at the gallery (perhaps as part of your session at 42nd Street if currently attending), phone or video call or through email/text. We’re here to make this step as easy as possible.
To join use the SIGN UP button
We have also recently launched The Horsfall website so if you would like to read more about The Horsfall's origins, see how the creative offer has developed over time and explore the various creative projects in more detail check it out.
An environment for participants to feel free to share their thoughts and experiences with others who may relate to them.
Spend time in nature, meet others and have space away from the day to day stresses.
The Music group is a chance to benefit from the therapeutic qualities of music
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? Are you questioning or exploring your sexuality or gender identity?
Do you want to join in with groups, opportunities and get information on all things LGBTQ+ in and around 42nd Street and Greater Manchester?
A peer support group accessible whilst waiting for support
A peer support group with social, therapeutic and creative elements for young women aged 18-25.
A space for LGBTQ+ young people to connect, share, have fun whilst improving mood and wellbeing
A peer support group for Care Leavers aged 16-25 with a focus on completing research into how mental health services could be improved.