• You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think

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What support do you offer?

We offer a variety of one to one support options, including CBT, counselling, psychosocial support and more. Whilst we have some info about these on our site, you don’t need to know what it is you’re looking for to make a referral, we can chat all the options through with you – it’s your support, and we’ll listen to what you think will work for you.

We also have a range of groups and projects you can get involved in, focusing on connecting, campaigning and creating.

Who can access this support?

Any young person (aged 13-25) with a GP in Manchester, Salford or Trafford can access our one to one support.

Our webchat (text-based) support and our groups are available to everyone (13-25) across all of Greater Manchester.

We’re also based in a number of schools and colleges across Greater Manchester and can also see young people aged 11 and 12 in school settings (find out if we’re in yours here)

Can you give me a diagnosis?

We can’t give you a diagnosis ourselves, but we can help you with how you’re feeling (and potentially help get you to the right person who can give you a diagnosis if needed).

Our workers can help explain what some symptoms mean and support you in getting a diagnosis if that’s what you feel is right for you, but this wouldn’t be done within 42nd Street itself.

Depending on your situation, we would support you getting referred for an assessment e.g. via your GP and we would be able to support you through the process.

You can read our article around getting a diagnosis if you’re not sure if having one feels right for you, and can always chat to your worker to know more.

Remember, you don’t need a diagnosis or referral from your doctor to access support from 42nd Street.

How do you deliver your support?

We offer support over video, telephone, webchat and face-to-face, either at our base in Manchester or in a variety of community venues.

We aim to be as flexible as we can and we’ll aim to offer support in a way that’s most comfortable for you.

How do I sign up?

To access our one to one support you’ll need to fill out one of our referral forms (you’ll need to know your GP info for this)

To get involved with groups you can fill in a short form here and someone will get in touch to chat further

Why do you need my GP info?

There’s two reasons we ask for this. The first is because we’re only funded to offer support if you have GP within Greater Manchester and so we need to collect this information for young people we support.

The second is in case we need to pass any information if we’re worried you may be at risk of serious harm. If we ever need to do this we’ll always try and speak with you first. You can read more about what this means in our confidentiality policy.

How long do I have to wait?

Unfortunately, wait times are often tricky to provide accurately as we aren’t always able to predict demand or future capacity. We can tell you how long young people have currently waited to access our services to give some indication:

Check out this page for up to date wait times.

We are doing everything we can to keep wait times to a minimum and provide opportunities to access support whilst waiting for our one-to-one services. To understand more about what we are doing, and the wait behind specific services, please head here.

Why haven’t I heard anything yet?

We’ll get in touch when you’re reaching the top of the wait list for either an assessment or for when your support will start.

We’ll do this in the method you asked us to when registering. If you’re expecting to have from us but haven’t you can reach out on theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk and we’ll let you know what’s happening.

What if I missed your call?

Don’t worry! We know people are busy and won’t always be able to pick up the phone when we reach out.

If we’re contacting you about starting your support then we’ll make several attempts to get in touch, using all the methods you’ve told us it’s ok to use and do this over the course of a few weeks.

If we’re struggling and haven’t been able to make contact after a few weeks then we’ll send a last message to say we’ll have to disengage your referral if we don’t hear anything. If you know you’re going to be away or uncontactable for a period of time, it might be an idea just to let us know by emailing theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk

If we’re getting in touch because we’re concerned about something in your referral we’ll keep trying to speak to you first and will likely send a text asking if there’s a good time we can speak.

If we can’t speak to you directly and there’s something we’re still worried about, then we’ll try to reach out to the other contacts on your referral form. You can read a more about this process in our confidentiality policy.

I missed a call from a withheld number - was that you?

It might be, yes. If it was us, we'll leave a voicemail (if you've told us it's ok to do so) and will also contact you using the other methods you've told us it's ok to use to let you know we missed you too.

What if things change since I referred myself?

When you start support your allocated worker will talk through how things are for you at the moment and you can update anything you need to and talk about what you feel you need at that point.

If your contact information, address or GP has changed please let us know by emailing theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk

If things have gotten worse whilst waiting for support you can find organisations you can speak to 24/7 here and, once you’ve had your assessment, you can contact your assessment worker if you feel you need support. (If you’re on our online platform for text support you can use the “I need help now” button too)

How do I update my details?

Please e-mail theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk with any changes to your details (if you’re on our online platform for text support you can use the contact buttons on our homepage too)

What is the Horsfall?

The Horsfall is a venue which is part of 42nd Street. It’s a gallery and space for creative engagement, where a programme of activity centered around art and nature is designed to support our role in developing positive mental health and wellbeing for young people.

Read more here.

How do I get in touch with you?

The easiest way is to e-mail theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk.

Our team will be able to forward your e-mail to the best person to help (including your worker if you need to cancel or rearrange a session)

Our phone lines are currently open on Mondays 12pm until 2pm and Thursdays 3pm until 5pm.

How do I make a complaint?

If you ever have any problems with our service, we'd encourage you to talk with your worker and try to sort things out but if you don't feel comfortable doing that, or try it and it doesn't work, you can ask to speak with any of our managers too.

You can find a break down of how making a complaint works here, as well as relevant contact e-mails.