• Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury

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About Webchat Support

Our Webchat support offers an opportunity to

  • Chat to someone about any difficulties that you’re experiencing.
  • Explore different aspects of your life, your relationships and yourself.
  • Offload stresses.
  • Talk to someone who is there to listen.

It's a text-based way to get the same support you'd be able to access through out face to face services.


Once you have registered online you'll receive a confirmation that we've received your referral and we may want to talk to you further about about what support it's best to access. After this you'll be placed on our waiting list and then be assigned a worker.

You can have weekly messages or live text chat. Online support typically lasts between 6-12 weeks. Remember if you decide that you want to talk face-to-face instead, this can be arranged with your worker.

You can find everything you need to know about Webchat Support here >>

To register or log in use the button below


