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Training Workshops

42nd Street offers a range of practice based, high quality and affordable training workshops for professionals working across the youth, education, health and social care sectors. Students and volunteers are welcome to attend our training events.

42nd Street’s Professional Training Programme

Our training programme includes:

  • Working with Young People Online
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Wellbeing
  • Mental Health Training for Artists
  • De-Escalation
  • Common Mental Health Problems
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Suicide and Self Harm
  • Attachment

These are the core training options available. If you'd like to discuss something specific to your needs, please email theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk.


Full Day


Half Day (3.5 hrs)  


2 hr workshop


1 hr session


We will negotiate on cost where multiple packages are purchased during the same financial year. Please make enquiries to theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk

Working with Young People Online

Whether you are running groups online or moving parts of your service online due to Covid-19 restrictions, this training will help you to identify and prepare for the key differences between online and face to face working. It will give you the confidence to recognise the different ways in which YP can present online versus face to face, and practical information around security of platforms and information governance.

Lead by two practitioners with a wealth of experience within online service delivery, you’ll be equipped with the tools to support your young people, service and yourselves during these times.

Topics include:

  • The differences between online and face to face working
  • Recognising the ways YP can present online
  • Practical guidance about platforms and information governance

Supporting LGBTQ+ Wellbeing

Download our brochure for more information.

This training will support your learning and understanding of the issues facing LGBTQ+ young people. It covers terminology and identity, as well as the ways in which mental health and wellbeing are impacted.

Topics include:

  • Terminology and identity
  • Impact on mental health
  • Shame, coming out, validation
  • Tools for allies and practitioners

Mental Health Training for Artists

This session will support your understanding of working with YP. It covers common mental health issues experienced by young people, risk assessment & management when working with young people, barriers to engagement for young people. It will also cover the relationship between the artist and the mental health professional/organisation during project delivery and an understanding of Tuckman’s theory of group dynamics and its application to your work.

Topics include:

  • Common mental health issues
  • Risk Assessment and management
  • Barriers to engagement
  • The relationship between the artist and the mental health professional or organisation during a project
  • Group dynamics


This training will cover de-escalation techniques. For situations when young people may come to your setting and are struggling with very difficult and distressing feelings.

It is underpinned by developmental trauma theory and the session will help to identify strategies for working with YP who are emotionally dysregulated/distressed.

Common Mental Health Problems

During the session you'll receive an overview of common mental health issues for young people. Topics include:

  • Anxiety, depression, self-harm/suicide, bullying, identity
  • How young people may express these
  • Signposting and other support
  • Safety, safeguarding and confidentiality

Anxiety and Depression

This training will help participants to gain an understanding of anxiety and depression.

Topics include:

  • How common anxiety/depression is
  • Symptoms and possible causes
  • The impact on young people and their learning
  • What you can do to support the young people

Suicide and Self Harm

This training will support your understanding of how we connect with young people around suicide and self harm.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to the topic
  • Theories around suicide and self harm
  • Strategies for looking after ourselves when working with risk


This session will help those who work with young people to understand the issues behind young people behaviours and how this links to their early attachments and connections.

  • An intro to Attachment Theory
  • Understanding the effects of early attachment styles and how this knowledge can inform your working relationships with young people.

Download our training brochure here.