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Supporting Young Black Men

42nd Street recognises that many young people feel disempowered, that some services are difficult for them to identify with and access and that their mental health and personal difficulties can be made worse by the health, social, cultural and economic inequalities that they might experience.

We explored this further through the projects below, in order to create recommendations and guidance for services in being more inclusive and accessible to young black men.

We Tell You

A Manchester peer research group, We Tell You, based at mental health charity 42nd Street, and supported by Manchester Metropolitan University, has authored a new research report and manifesto on black male perspectives towards mental health services.

The goal is to improve understand and improve access to support with the report co-produced alongside 27 young black men.

Read our We Tell You Manifesto:

And the full report:

Film 42

Funded by Comic Relief and delivered in partnership with Sagita Media, Survivors Manchester and TIPP, Film 42 is a project which empowers young Black men to explore mental health through filmmaking.

The films our young men have created will form part of an upcoming campaign which seeks to change the way that young Black men access services for support with their mental health and in turn, how these services ensure they have the best possible experience. Our young men will act as Ambassadors for the Film 42 project, so you can expect to see and hear from them over the coming months.

If you’d like to find out more information about the project or would like to support the campaign, please email Eric.Thompson@42ndstreet.org.uk


