Parents & Carers
Welcome to 42nd Street
We are here to support young people with their emotional well-being and mental health by offering a choice of effective, creative, young person-centred and rights-based approaches.
All of our services are free, confidential and give young people the opportunity to open up in a safe and understanding environment.
We support young people aged 13-25 in a variety of locations across Greater Manchester, both online and offline, through one to one support and in groups.
Making a Referral
Please note, that from November 13th, 2023, we are no longer accepting referrals directly from parents or carers. You can read more about this using the button below.
Young people will continue to be able to refer themselves to all our core one-to-one services and young people already referred to our services from other routes before November 13th, 2023, will continue to receive support.
If you’re concerned about a young person who may need help completing this form, please reach out to us at or alternatively our phone lines are currently operating a limited service on Mondays 12-2pm and Thursdays 3-5pm on 0161 228 7321.
What happens when someone self-refers?
Our Welcome Team will review the referral to ensure we are the right service to meet the young person’s needs. We may contact you or the young person, but we will only do this if we need to and if you have told us it is ok to do so.
One of our practitioners will get in touch with the young person to organise a good time to call them to complete a Telephone Service Assessment. The call will be approximately 1 hour. This is their opportunity to find out more about 42nd Street and for 42nd Street to understand how best we can support them and ensure they get the right support as quickly as possible.

Waiting for support
After the Telephone Service Assessment, young people will go onto a waiting list. During this time they can get involved with opportunities in our creative and group work program – you can find out what some of these are on our what’s on page.
You can also follow us us on Twitter: @42ndStreetmcr | @TheHorsfall for more information.
If you or the young person is concerned that their mental health has deteriorated or things have changed, please get in touch at
Free data scheme

We're aware that accessing services often requires data and that this can put additional strains on finances to maintain.
If yourself or anyone in your family is finding getting online difficult, we've partnered with the Good Things Foundation to offer free data and sim cards to those who need it.
You can read more here and reach out to us at if you'd like to access this scheme.