Jamie-Lee Wainman is third year 3D-Design student who has created an illustrated zine to help educate young people on the chronic illness endometriosis, (let’s call it endo for short). Jamie was diagnosed with this illness in 2019 after suffering severely with her periods for years.
When she was informed by friend Freya Slack, who created the charity Don’t Cramp my Style, of what endo is and was shocked to have never heard of the illness before at the age of 21. Jamie found herself googling and searching about this illness and found intense and frightening information as well as graphic images that caused her distress and panic to which she was scared to discuss with the people around her the possibility of having endo.
Jamie doesn’t want people to have the same introduction and experience with endo that she had; therefore, she has used her playful and creative approach to create this zine. Using light-hearted comics, with two cheerful characters, to portray facts and information about endo.
She hopes this makes the education process more comfortable to discuss with the people around them. Because the more we educate ourselves the more we can help and support those suffering with this chronic illness.