CYPMHC general election polling findings

Ahead of the general election, the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition conducted a survey with 2000 respondents on the priorities around children’s mental health for political parties.
The findings showed that improving mental health was the most significant issue respondents aged 18-24 years want to see addressed for children and teenagers and that over half (59%) of respondents believe that political leaders have not done enough to support children and young people’s mental health over the last decade.
There needs to be real and substantial change for babies, children and young people's mental health in this general election for the tide to turn. Alongside the coalition we are committed to calling for all political parties to:
•Commit at least an additional £1.7bn per year for Integrated Care Systems to deliver a comprehensive mental health pathway for all babies, children and young people aged 0-25.
•Embed whole educational approaches to mental health and wellbeing across all education settings.
•Increase the provision of early intervention support in the community through the national roll-out of early support hubs in every local area.
•Bring forward reform of the Mental Health Act 1983, to ensure that children and young people’s rights are protected and promoted, and that they receive high quality and compassionate care.
Find out more and read the polling briefing here: