Youth Mental Health & Participation in Arts, Culture and Entertainment

Plan International UK's January Community of Practise will be hosted in collaboration with 42nd Street. Please join us for this interactive session centred around youth mental health and young people's engagement in the creative arts!

Following the #BeeWell briefing on Participation in Arts, Culture and Entertainment, the next session in this community of practice will look at the connection between young people’s engagement in these activities and their wellbeing. Find out more about this latest research or watch a video explaining the findings here: New briefing published: the impact PACE has on wellbeing - #BeeWell (

#BeeWell is a wellbeing programme delivered by The University of Manchester, Anna Freud, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Gregson Family Foundation. We use a co-designed survey to listen to young people, act together for change and celebrate their wellbeing. Find out more:


42nd Street has over 40 years of experience working with young people 11-25 and supporting them with their mental health. Through its unique Gallery and Creative space we will take you on a creative journey looking at the myriad ways creativity can help support young people with their mental health and wellbeing. We will focus on what young people are telling us they want from creative spaces and how this helps them navigate various aspects of their lives.

We know through the #BeeWell data that many young people stop accessing creative activities from year 9. This could be linked to art being seen as an academic subject rather than a self-expression and self-care activity – we want to bring back experimental and non-judgmental spaces to allow all young people to explore their own creative language.

Led by colleagues from the gallery, young people, art therapist and one-to-one counselling staff. We will unpick what creative spaces can offer us all.


Through active learning sessions, we will support you in finding the active ingredients of creativity

There will be time to ask questions and look at ways you could incorporate beneficial creative spaces and opportunities with young people you work with.


Event details:
- The event will be 2 hours and 30 minutes long (start time: 2:30pm, finish time: 5:00pm)

- Refreshments will be provided

- Final agenda and joining instructions sent a few days before the event

- Places are limited, so to reserve your place, please book via Eventbrite.

Any questions about the event, please contact the organiser Rebecca at