New voter photo ID and Voter Authority Certificate Requirements

From 4th May 2023, you will now need to show a form of photo ID to vote at polling stations in England.
This applies to various elections: Local elections, Police and Crime Commissioner elections, UK parliamentary by-elections and recall petitions.
From October 2023 it will also apply to general elections.
What photo ID can I use?
To find out more about accepted photo IDs please read the following. Also, note that you cannot use a photo ID if it no longer looks like you and the electoral commission mentions you can use an out-of-date photo ID if it does still looks like you as long your name is the same. When going to vote you only need one of the acceptable forms of photo ID but make sure to take the original and not a photocopy.
Need a photo ID?
If you do not have an accepted photo id, a photo id that looks like you or are concerned to use one you have due to the gender marker. You can apply for a voter authority certificate.
The deadline to apply for a voter authority certificate is 25th April at 5pm.
Register to vote.
To apply for a voter certificate you first need to register to vote which you can do here and the deadline for this is 17th April 2023.
Vote anonymously
If you would like to read more about voting anonymously, how to register to do this and how to apply for an Anonymous Elector's Document.
If you would like to find more information regarding this in different languages or accessible formats you can here.
If you live in Salford you can get support with the process, filling in forms and getting suitable photos for free at a gateway centre.
You can also get support filling out the forms, with data access or in person at libraries which you can find more information about here.
Additional Resources:
What you need to bring with you | Voter ID | Manchester City Council