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The ever creative Tab Kimpton was good enough to join us at our Q42 group to talk about his book, Minority Monsters, as well as what it’s like publishing independent comics and writing about LGBTQ+ lives.

You can check out the podcast of the interview HERE. *Trigger Warning – Tab talks a little about some of his other works and heavier storylines so there is very brief mention of abuse, rape and self-harm towards the end of this podcast.*

If you’ve ever feel like you’re not as represented as you’d like in books, his work is definitely one for you. You can read the Minority Monsters book yourself, for free, right HERE. It’s a tour of a mythical land where every fantastical creature represents an LGBTQ+ identity.

It’s great to see so many identities that often get forgotten and if you ever want a really clear, no messing way to explain a massive range of sexualities or gender identities to other people it makes for a really great resource – regardless of age. It’s been doing the rounds at our base in 42nd Street a whole lot!

All of Tab’s work is available for free on his site, Discord Comics, including his series exploring LGBTQ+ relationships amongst a group of young people; Khaos Komix. If you’ve not come across it yet, its an intertwined tale of a group of 8 young people at various stages of embracing a range of LGBTQ+ identities and tackles a lot of the highs and lows involved, as well as some tough topics.

Tab also writes comics for older readers though, so there’s a chunk of NSFW stuff on there too and he’s not afraid to confront difficult topics! Appropriate ages are given for all his work and we’d suggest sticking with Minority Monsters and Khaos Komix if in doubt!