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How Do Make A Complaint If I Need to?

If you ever have any problems with our service, we'd encourage you to talk with your worker and try to sort things out.

If you don't feel comfortable doing that, or try it and it doesn't work, you can ask to speak with any of our managers too.

You can also write a letter to the Chief Executive (if you want help with this then just ask). You can also meet up with the Chief Executive and talk to them about the problem.

If you're not sure who to speak to you can e-mail management@42ndstreet.org.uk and they'll be able to get to the right person to manage your complaint.

42nd Street will...

  • Reply to let you know we've got your complaint within 3 days
  • Have a senior manager look into your complaint
  • Send you either a written response with our Chief Executives' decision or meet with you to discuss the decision within 28 days

If we can't do this in time, we will let you know and tell you why. If you're still not happy, tell us and we will try and sort it out.


If you would prefer not to get in touch with 42nd Street

You can choose to make a complaint about 42nd Street by contacting the CCG instead:

If your GP is in Manchester:

Manchester Feedback and Complaints Service

  • Phone:          0161 953 8388
  • Email:            nhscomplaints@manchester.gov.uk  
  • Post:              Manchester City Council, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA
If your GP is in Salford:

Patient Services Team

  • Phone: 0161 212 4960
  • Email: SALCCG.PatientServices@nhs.net  
  • Post: Patient Services, Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5AW
If your GP is in Trafford:

Patient Experience Matters

If your GP is in Tameside & Glossop:

Phone: 0161 342 5500

Email: TGCCG.customercare@nhs.net

Post: Headquarters, NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Tameside One, Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside, OL6 6BH

What do I do if I am not happy with the response about my complaint?

You should allow your complaint to be investigated first (it doesn’t matter whether you chose to complain to 42nd Street or decided to speak to the CCG). But if you are still not happy once you have received your response and talks with 42nd Street / the CCG, you can complain to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.  The Ombudsman is independent of the NHS and government.